With This Ring
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A Vic and Matt Novel

Matt diLorenzo's ex, Jordan, confesses all to a tabloid, telling the world Matt's secret -- something in his semen gives his sexual partners super powers. After the article appears, Matt expects all sorts of weirdos to try to track him down, but the only call he receives is from a research scientist at a local condom factory who claims to have a solution to his little "problem."

The offer is tempting -- the powers Vic receives from Matt are unpredictable and scary. Matt wants to keep his lover safe, and is eager to hear what the scientist has to suggest. His lover, Vic Braunson, is willing to try the cure and lose his superhero abilities for his lover's peace of mind ... even if it means losing the special mental connection they share, a bond formed by the powers, a bond that has become such a part of their lives together that neither is quite prepared when it suddenly disappears.

Then Vic discovers that the scientist has an agenda of his own. Can he protect Matt, even without his super strength or their mental bond?

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    • Dec-2010
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1456310828
    • ISBN13: 9781456310820
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook
    • Nov-2010
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1611520266
    • ISBN13: 9781611520262
    • Nov-2010
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Nov-2010
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)

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