Wicked Winter Breakup

Hannah suffers a devastating blow when her longtime boyfriend breaks up with her on New Year's Eve, but will playing a game of musical beds get her any closer to marriage?Big slut-hair, ferocious red lips, and thigh-highs—Hannah is set for her steamiest New Year's Eve seduction ever. But instead, her boyfriend of five and a half years breaks up with her. Forced back into the revolving door of the LA dating scene, Hannah finds herself agonizing over The Ex, trying to comfort herself in the hot young neighbor's bed, and falling in love...again?The inaugural volume of the Sex, Life, and Hannah book series is a sexy shotgun blast of cocktails, cockteases, and revelations. Surrounded by eclectic high-octane friends, Hannah treads the infamous waters of heartbreak. From the pros and cons of rebound sex, to navigating manic Ex-induced mood swings, to exploring whether a leather harness and latex can really help you move on, will Hannah ever find The One? Strap in and hang on—this ride is going to hurt.

    • First Edition
    • Aug-2020
    • The Adventures of Hannah Concept Publishing
    • eBook
    • Aug-2020
    • The Adventures of Hannah
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Aug-2020
    • The Adventures of Hannah
    • eBook

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