Being raised by a heroin addict, a human drug, or the fact she had been in and out of foster care, Opal Vanberth swore she had an old soul. Then there was the fact she had always felt more comfortable with the humans than her own kind. One thing was for sure, she never expected men like River, Rhodes, and Zanger to be hers waiting for them to be ripped away from her somehow.River-Wander had traveled to other worlds unknown to anyone, fought beasts that would make any man run in fear, and created a warrior species that mirrored him and his kind. He vowed to protect the weaker from the beasts that were out there.But so far, he wasn't doing a very good job of protecting his own meru. Rhodes, Zanger and River have bonded and are determined to protect their female, even if it means one of them leaves their fold for a dangerous mission. Can River hold his family together, knowing what his weru, Zanger must do to survive? Or should he take his family and leave Earth altogether?