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The sudden appearance of superpowers might transform most mild-mannered men into egomaniacs with visions of grandeur. Fortunately, Vic Braunson isn't most men. His powers come from his lover, Matt diLorenzo, and Vic refuses to let the abilities control or change him.

But even he can't stop the powers from enhancing who he is. These five stories explore different aspects of Vic's personality that are brought out by his superpowers.

The V in Valor -- When the landlady's cat gets loose, Matt broaches the subject of getting a pet. Vic doesn't want the added responsibility, but the discussion raises questions of long-term commitment neither man is ready to address.

The V in Vengeance -- Vic and Matt adjust to life with a new addition -- Sadie, the mutt Vic rescued. Matt finds himself dwelling on a more outward way to show the world how he feels for Vic. Though living with a superhero isn't always easy, Matt wouldn't have it any other way. Especially when his car is vandalized…

The V in Vigilant -- When Vic has a rough day at work, his lover Matt puts their telepathic connection to good use, tapping directly into Vic's needs. However, their sensual massage turns to serious talk, and Matt pops the question.

The V in Virtue -- From the beginning of their relationship, Vic and Matt have celebrated their anniversary on New Year's Eve. It's become tradition for the men to swear off intercourse for the week before, a long stretch Matt finds especially difficult to weather. Vic's blasé attitude about their lack of sex only makes Matt hornier.

The V in Vulnerable -- Matt is on a quest to find the perfect ring to symbolize the love he shares with Vic. But criminals strike the jewelry store Matt visits. When the police arrive, what started as a simple robbery quickly turns into a hostage situation. Officer Kendra Jones places a call to the one man she knows will be able to help. Vic.

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    • First Edition
    • Mar-2012
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1468137662
    • ISBN13: 9781468137668
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook
    • Jul-2011
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)

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