In the bustling cities of the 19th century East Coast, a young woman named Emily yearned for a life beyond the ordinary. Though she possessed a spirited attitude, a kindness of heart, and a talent for capturing the essence of people and animals through her vibrant portraits, she considered herself unremarkable in appearance. However, a deep scar marred her body, a permanent reminder of a fall from a tree she had when a child.Undeterred by the cruelties of the world, Emily harbored a dream of finding a new beginning in the vast expanse of the American West. With determination burning in her heart, she sought the assistance of a marriage broker, entrusting them to scour their ledgers and find a prospective husband who would accept her for who she was – an exceptionally ordinary woman with an extraordinary spirit.After scouring their records, the broker presented Emily with a prospect – a retired firefighter whose name had lingered on their list for years. With a flutter of hope, Emily began a correspondence, crafting letters that revealed her soul while concealing the truth about her scar, uncertain whether to disclose her physical imperfection or allow fate to unfold as it may.