Despite his playboy past, Zane Adams stepped up to take responsibility for his son, Clark. Clark's mother, Dixie, had not bothered to tell Zane he had a son until Clark was two years old, in the wrong place at the wrong time. A note was the only warning Zane had to Dixie's disappearing act. Raising their shifter child, Clark, had proved too big of a burden…or so the note claimed. Almost two years later, when Dixie shows up and says she wants to be a mother to Clark again…Zane refuses. A vicious act leaves Dixie in the hospital, and despite his reservations, Zane brings Dixie into his and Clark's home. The one condition Dixie is forced to accept…she can never tell Clark that she is his mommy. One night of intense passion leads to a kiss. As it turns out, there is more to Dixie than meets the eye. When Dixie disappears once again, Zane is heartbroken and frustrated, but life must resume for the sake of his son. Did Dixie actually leave on her own though?