Taken By Light
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Sci-Fi Romance, Shape Shifter Romance, Alien Romance Book, M/F

Luna has the perfect life. She's filthy rich, popular and has the perfect boyfriend, but in the blink of an eye that life is taken by light, & she's abducted by aliens. She finds herself living on another world, completely altered and her life the complete opposite of what she knew.
After years of being a slave, knowing only pain and suffering at the hand of their merciless alien captor's she find a way to save herself and others like her.
They find a new, empty world to settle on, and while looking for males of their kind they find themselves in danger from a threat that would treat them worse than their original abductors.
Plagued with fear for the future and control taken, follow Luna as she embarks on a new and scary path towards freedom and an alien romance hot enough to set the stars on fire.

    • First Edition
    • Mar-2012
    • B.J.L. Multimedia
    • eBook
    • Mar-2012
    • B.J.L. Multimedia
    • eBook (Kindle)

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