⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Chloe Wolfe is on the run from a life of domestic abuse, and bounty hunter Trenton Cole is determined to track her down! Bestselling author Lydia Michaels does not sugarcoat an ounce of angst in this heart-pounding romantic thriller, and it's worth every page! Chloe Wolfe is a woman on the run who will stop at nothing to protect her children. She must cross state lines to reach her sons before her abusive husband finds them first. Penniless and at the mercy of others, she will stop at nothing to save her babies and survive.Surprised by a dark angel of mercy, she desperately pleads for help when she meets Trenton Cole. Only, she doesn't realize he's been tracking her all along. Trenton is the bounty hunter Cloe's husband hired, and he plans to get paid for finishing the job. The moment he befriends her, she leads him to her children, but something makes him hesitate. Is his gut instinct worth the hundred thousand he'd lose by letting her go? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A heart-wrenching tale of survival, forgiveness, and new beginnings.