Archbishop Wynn Wagner is no stranger to choosing a different path on which to follow one's faith. In his enlightening, compelling, and often humorous "Recovering Catholic: How to be Catholic without being Roman Catholic," anyone who has questioned the direction of the Roman Catholic Church and has considered either changing denominations or leaving the church altogether will discover a new and satisfying path. How often do we receive honest, straightforward direction from a cleric whose credentials support his lineage of Apostolic Succession, who calls himself a recovering Catholic, and who refuses to proselytize? This book is not about convincing or alluring believers; it is about acknowledging the schism existing between the Roman Catholic and the Old Catholic churches and understanding that choices can be made freely, with our decisions rooted in knowledge, and without the guilt and threat of damnation too often heaped upon parishioners at every level of the Roman Catholic Church. Rather than consider this book an indictment, readers must recognize it for what is was intended to achieve: protection and encouragement for everyone who has suffered the dogma. Straight or gay, divorced or married, liberal or conservative, there is a place for you in the Christian world, a place where you will not be judged, provoked, humiliated, or even banned. This book is about finding your path and following it to a joyful and fulfilling life.