Paradyce, a teenage girl with dreams of freeing herself from the turmoil forced upon her since birth. She is trapped in a world of torture, and the more she tries to run from her past the more the past confronts her and wraps her in cycles of bewilderment and self-hate. Nothing is paradise in her life and love is nonexistent, so the only way to survive is to succumb to those who manipulate, betray, and sabotage her existence. She is lost and drowning in her nightmare, she does not know how to escape, while images of murder, rape, incest, and entrapment strikes against her soul. She is begging for someone to understand her, to accept her but no one does, not even her mother who accuses her of being a waste of seed. She wants to be more than she is but nothing will produce that mindset more than the death of love itself, which forces her to make a turnaround and confide in her own power. Nothing is, as it seems in a journey set to jealousy, torment, deceit, and defeat, so how can one be truly happy when one has never known true happiness?