Bonita Marshall has secretly fantasized about her gorgeous neighbors, Ash and Caleb, for months. Since they are together, her dreams are futile and Bonita moves on with a new boyfriend. Enrique Rodriguez quickly turns out to be manipulative and nasty. Enrique threatens to release footage of her mother he managed to record, and Bonita pays the blackmail money he demands. Ash Jayara and Caleb Williams entertain ideas about claiming Bonita as their own and regret not approaching her before she met Enrique. The boys suspect something is wrong with Bonita and Enrique's relationship and investigate. They fall afoul of him, suffering the consequences of his increasingly unstable mind. Together they embark on helping Bonita extricate herself from her nefarious boyfriend. Will they be able to help Bonita before Enrique loses it completely? Will they be able to convince her that they are serious about wanting a relationship with her?