Genre: Yaoi-inspired Contemporary
Japanese pop idol Hideki Sakae struggles to fine tune the tracks on his first solo album. But setbacks with his manager and session musicians are keeping his dream of hitting the top of the charts from becoming a reality. When a chance meeting brings the influential rockers of ChildsPrey to the aid of the young musician, Hideki discovers the chemistry between himself and famed bassist Toru doesn't end in the studio.
For Toruhiko, this is a second chance at love and he doesn't want to lose it. His success with the band brings only so much happiness, and his deepest desire now is for a soul mate to share his nights and heart with. Toru feels no measure is too extreme when it comes to matters of love, but once everything starts going wrong, he faces a difficult choice.
While both men are musical stars, the public image of a pop idol is far more fragile than that of a hard rocker known for sensual exploits on and off the stage. Fearful as Toru is for Hideki's career, will he be forced to push Hideki away for the younger man's own good?
Publisher's Note: Orange Moon is a yaoi-inspired male/male love story. As such, it contains elements that may be objectionable to some readers: male/male sexual practices, violence, dubious consent.