After the untimely death of a beloved friend and colleague, things are looking bleak for Darren and his fellow defectors. Chased by bounty hunters from the land above and haunted by monsters lurking in the tunnels below, nowhere is safe for them. The world has gone mad, and even man-of-steel Darren Mathews is beginning to lose his resolve. All that is left for them now is to escape somewhere far, far away, beyond the reach of the Hidden Hand. With no other options, they set to seek refuge in one of the few cities in or under the world untainted by human greed and hubris: the Lemurian city of Telos beneath Mount Shasta, California.Yet the path to Nirvana is never a smooth ride. From leaving loved ones and entire lives behind to exposing themselves to mind-expanding narcotics, reaching Telos will prove to be one of the biggest challenges that these soldiers and academics have ever faced. The sacrifices that they must make are countless, but the reward -- a lifetime of peace and enlightenment -- is priceless. However, finding the underground city is just the beginning, and none of them know what is waiting for them within its limits.In a time when no one can be trusted, making a new home in a new world requires a leap of faith most people are not willing to make. Are Darren and his friends ready to take this risk? Will they be able to locate Telos? And if they reach the legendary city, will they be welcomed with open arms or turned away at the border, left vulnerable to the vicious wolves who will stop at nothing to hunt them down?