October's Knight
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October –Stuck in an elevator with my crush on Halloween was not really in my top ten list of things to do on a holiday weekend. And yet, that was where I found myself: trapped with Declan McKay, two dead cell phones and a crush so big there was no way I would get through the evening without admitting my feelings for him.Declan –Honestly, I couldn't have planned a better situation than a power outage in an elevator. I may be a bull in a boardroom, but I'm horribly shy when it comes to women. Especially October Spence. I've spent months trying to 'accidentally' bump into her, and now we were trapped in close quarters for who knew how long.Hopefully long enough to pluck the courage to finally ask her out. Or…you know…ask her to marry me.

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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2020
    • Dakota Rebel
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    • Dakota Rebel
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    • Sep-2020
    • Supernova Indie Publishing LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Sep-2020
    • Dakota Rebel
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    • ISBN13: 9798201070779

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