
At just 26 years old, Dustin Wood found himself in near financial destitution. His student loans, combined with months of being out of work, force him to take a job dancing as an exotic dancer for an all-male revue club downtown. Colin McMahon is a well to do banker. As the Vice President of Loan Acquisitions department he's met his fair share of newbies in the banking world. One in particular catches his attention more than others. After Colin and Dustin meet they form an instant chemistry. As strong as their feelings are, a wrench is thrown into their budding relationship which threatens to destroy everything. When a betrayal is revealed, it threatens Colin and Dustin's relationship. As the tension erupts they are forced to decide between forgiveness, or walking away forever.

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    • Dec-2014
    • Siren Publishing
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1632584514
    • ISBN13: 9781632584519
    • Jul-2014
    • Siren Publishing
    • eBook (Kindle)

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