Milton's Ultimate Hero
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Sequel to Milton's Hero.

Things are looking up for comic book geek Milton Katz. He has a couple of good friends in JJ and Maggie. They've introduced him to Steve, a guy Milton hopes might turn out to be more than a friend.

Milton is thrilled when Steve invites him to go to Comic-Con. But the next morning at school Steve just walks on by when a couple of jocks try to stuff Milton into his locker.

Steve Morrison doesn't know how to balance being gay and a baseball jock. His indecision may have just cost him Milton's friendship. Steve knows Milton has a thing for comic book superheroes, so after being urged by Maggie to apologize, he rents a Superman costume and goes to visit Milton to beg for a second chance.

Can Milton trust Steve not to hurt him again? Does Steve have the guts to be Milton's friend in public as well as in private? Or will it take a genuine superhero?

Click on any of the links above to see more books like this one.

    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook
    • Oct-2012
    • Queerteen Press
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1611523818
    • ISBN13: 9781611523812
    • Oct-2012
    • Queerteen Press
    • eBook (Kindle)

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