Just as she hurried to the curb, Micah's felt her ankle give out from under her as her foot hit a rock in the grass."Oh crap," she cursed as she landed hard on her ass, the garbage bin toppling over with her. Micah looked up as she heard the truck door open and close. It was always good to have someone be a part of your embarrassing moments-not."Hello, sugar."Sugar? Micah squinted at the man mountain coming at her."Zorro?" she gasped as he knelt down beside her. The build, the hair, the smile, that smell. She had always wondered why a mask baffled television characters. Now she knew. It was all an illusion of what you wanted to believe. When the mask came off it was reality. "What are you doing here? Are you following me?" Micah realized how silly that sounded even as she said it."Yeah, I specifically asked to have the garbage run where a sexy pink-haired woman lived." Ned smiled at her confusion. "Are you hurt?"Yep, that was a smile that could have a woman strip off her clothes in a heartbeat."Thankfully I have a fat ass." She mentally slapped herself. Okay, so he was charming and hot. Big deal. It was the best sex of her life. Whatever. He was still a stranger and stranger sex was not supposed to go beyond just that."Nah, you don't have a fat ass, sugar you have a hot ass."Micah looked at him. He was trouble with a capital Uh-oh. Tall, hot and lickable. Luckily she was sitting or she would have fallen down. Darkly handsome had its place but boy-next-door auburn hair, shoulders that went on forever and a smile that was pure sex was irresistible to Micah."That's not polite conversation with a stranger." Hot ass? Hers? She wasn't sure if she should be more offended or flattered at his words."We're hardly strangers. I was inside you last night as you screamed and begged me to fuck you."Gosh, how romantic you make it sound," Micah replied cynically as she tried to get up but her ankle refused to cooperate. She looked into the deep brown eyes of the man on his knee bef