KAYDEN CONTINUES TO MAKE ME HOT AND BOTHERED.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Well written short story with twists and turns that keep you flipping the pages.A night with Mark and Max leaves Kayden ravenously hungry.The passion between them ignites a fire that burns within him, craving for more.He dreams of a rematch, the possibility of exploring even more fantasies together.But just when he thought he had it all figured out, a wealthy client, Sven, re-enters his life with a proposition that could change everything.Sven is not your typical client. He exudes a mysterious aura, his piercing eyes hinting at a depth of darkness that intrigues Kayden.He delivers news that shakes Kayden to his core, and then makes an offer that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams.But with great wealth comes great sacrifice. Kayden has a choice to make, one that could alter the course of his entire life.Sven promises him a taste of the luxurious lifestyle he has always desired, but at what cost?And just when Kayden thinks he has made his decision, a shocking confession from his friend Pete opens up a Pandora's Box of secrets and lies.