January Gets Her Gunn
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January Farrell comes to Riverton, Arizona to follow her dream of working in law enforcement. Little does she guess her training officer will seriously ruffle her normal level-headed manner as well as stir her libido. He manages to press every hot button she has. Raised a tomboy who tagged after her adored big brother, Jan can hold her own in the male-centered world of the squad room. She can even face the harsher aspects of her chosen career with aplomb, but can she tolerate Thad Gunn’s sly and hurtful quirks and resist the tug of lust long enough to get through probation?Although a good cop, Thad Gunn carries some heavy baggage. He’s known as a tough but fair officer, and one who puts his rookies through the wringer. When he is assigned to train January, all he can think of is making her quit. Somehow he must get her out of the line of fire, clear of the danger zone, sensing that it would kill him to lose her. He isn’t sure he knows what love is but he does know he desperately needs to keep her safe. When she won’t cooperate, what can he do?Dealing with the day-to-day business of police work and finally tracking down a dangerous serial rapist, Jan and Thad, both individually and together, must confront a deluge of challenges before January gets her Gunn.

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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2022
    • Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
    • Trade Paperback
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook
    • Jun-2022
    • JMS Books LLC
    • eBook (Kindle)

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