If opposites attract--and in this case, they do--then Casey and Nate fit like puzzle pieces. Though married for a year and still rocking the honeymoon lifestyle, Casey's starting to feel like it's time for the next big challenge.
Casey's never been interested in having kids, but knows Nate would love a family of their own and would be a fantastic father. He thinks he's ready to put aside past prejudices, but he knows it's not the kind of decision you make on a whim. Nate only wants to have a family with Casey if Casey wants it just as much. Neither would accept anything less.
The annual Rule family reunion is the perfect time and place for Casey to take his hopes for a test drive and inform his choice. He'll have plenty of chances to practice--with Nate's menage-a-parents and seven sisters, there's a smorgasbord of family to observe and a half-dozen babies to test his limits.
(And a few games to play. This is Nate, after all!)
Is Casey ready to grant Nate his wish to become a dad and wind up the pitch for a proper “home” run?