Warning: This is a Razor's Edge Monster Erotica Story. Expect limited plot and character development, and lots of paranormal heat. If you're looking for a lengthy plot driven erotic romance, this is not@ it!Web Webster's plan to own the muscle car he's a passenger in is sidetracked when the driver wrecks the vehicle. Needing a new ID, Web barely has time to inhabit the body beside him. Web's savior manages the accident with authorities and offers to put Web up at his place. Lying in the man's bed, Web has one thought. If he's not gay -- he will be for me!Casper Wainright is known for his penchant for fast, shiny cars. When a classic beauty rams a tree on his property, he helps the occupant escape before extinguishing the flames. The stranger needs a place to convalesce. Something about the stranger entices Cas, who decides one room in his house has a bed that has been empty far too long. Little does Cas know what evil he's invited into his life.