In the year 2050, the world lies in ruins after the devastating Third World War. Resources are scarce, and what little remains is tightly controlled by a powerful cabal of former billionaires. These corporate titans have devised a cruel game to maintain their grip on the dwindling supplies - a sadistic game show called Your Money Or Your Life. The game show Your Money Or Your Life captivated audiences across the desolate landscape of what was once known as North America. Contestants were forced to make life or death decisions in order to win basic necessities like food and water, all while the billionaire overlords watched from their fortified tower made from cement and steel. As the sun set on another day in this post-apocalyptic world, a young woman named Maya found herself standing at the edge of a dilapidated stage, facing the imposing figure of the show's host, a former tech mogul turned ruthless dictator named Marcus Drake.