What happens to a young man's self-image, and his sex life, when he wakes up one morning to see his good looks significantly altered for the worse? Three twenty-something gay friends -- an embalmer, a movement coach, and a literary agent -- find out the answer when they hit on the wrong patron of a club one night.
Todd, Fallon, and Jake, aka the Hunt Club, think they're pretty damned hot. As a result, their standards for worthwhile hook-ups are appallingly superficial. The men aren't total jerks; they just need an adjustment in perspective. And they get it, in spades, from a mysterious stranger who's sick of seeing his beautiful partner pawed by dawgs.
There's no medical explanation for the hideous rashes that erupt on the trio overnight. Doctors can't even detect it, much less cure it. Still, the Hunt Club's mirrors reflect ravaged faces, and the toned, handsome guys they normally pursue now shun them.
As the vulnerability that's always lurked beneath their vanity begins to surface, Todd, Fallon, and Jake begin to see themselves and potential partners in a new light. Little did they know that in the eyes of three ordinary, overlooked men on the sidelines of their lives, it's always been the heart that's mattered far more than the hot.