James goes to Montreal to spend some time with his seventeen year old younger sister, who lives with the father he hardly knew. His father offers him a summer job on construction and he decides to stay, getting to know his dad, and discovering his sister's passion for rock music and older guys who play in a band.
When Surrender comes to town, one of the hottest rock groups around, Rose is adamant on attending. James, too, likes the group, and they decide to go to the concert, along with some of Rose's friends.
A hitch in the construction of a building his father's company is working on compels the crew to work overtime the night of the concert, and as a result, James misses the concert, arriving only as the fans are exiting the forum.
James returns home, knowing that when Rose comes hone, he's going to have to find some way of making it up to her. Only thing is, Rose doesn't come home.
Rose's disappearance leads James on a quest to find his younger sister, who, enamoured with rock and roll, has changed her name to Passion, and become one of Surrender's groupies. However, finding his sister isn't as easy as James thinks, even after finding the hotel where the band is staying. There are obstacles standing in his way, one of which is Steve Bliss, head of security for the band.