Emmalina's Enemies

Emmalina's Enemies
Rowdy R Ranch Adventures 4

Almost five years ago, Emmalina Frost met a hunk of a cowboy in a bar while waiting for a blind date that never showed up. Cold and edgy for the first ten minutes of their meeting, the gorgeous Kendrick slipped away to deliver drinks to his friends, when he returned his complete one eighty to a more gentle and shy demeanor set her world on fire. Now her life has been turned upside down. Her abusive father has gotten worse, her health is declining fast, and her deaf son's life depends on her surviving the disease that has her in its clutches or finding a way to keep him safe after she's gone. With no other option she must find the one night stand that changed the course of her life so dramatically. With her four year old son in toe she reaches out to the last place she knew he was, The Rowdy R Ranch.
Being identical twins doesn't exactly mean identical personalities. Kendrick is bold, hard and a womanizer. Trystin is shy, romantic and an artist. When Kendrick gets sick of watching his pathetically shy brother stare at a young woman in a bar one night he takes it upon himself to get the ball rolling for him with a game of 'switch the twin'. Now five years later Trystin is still searching for the one night stand who has never left his mind or his heart. The only problem is, thanks to his brother, she doesn't even know his name.
Trystin was recently hurt in an accident that also injured the ranch's cook, Brenna. When he refuses to sit out and watch the work continue at the ranch, Ryker banishes him to his mother's house an hour away till a doctor releases him back to work. When Emma comes searching for Kendrick, Ryker offers her a job as the new cook before she can tell him why she's there. Now with access to the ranch's men she sets out to prove to herself she wasn't insane that night, the hard man she met first and the passionate one she spent the night with were the same man, Kendrick wasn't a threat to her or her son. With her father and his accomplice searching for them, he would have to be their savior, it was the only choice.

Mature Content Readers must be 18

    • First Edition
    • Feb-2014
    • Stacy Lee
    • eBook
    • Feb-2014
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1310854572
    • ISBN13: 9781310854576
    • Nov-2014
    • Stacy Lee
    • eBook (Kindle)

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