In a world where humans are prey, new rules for love are still evolving...Charmer: Caroline McGrath is thrilled to find another survivor of the zombie apocalypse -- until she realizes he's Robbie Huston, the only guy she ever had a one-night stand with. Now they're depending on each other for their very survival. When they find Tyler, another survivor, everything gets more complicated. Now Caroline's now got twice as much to lose... Will she be able to hold on to both her men once they reach Robbie's uncle at Dusty Mile?Dusty Mile Survival Guide: Against all odds, Caroline and Robbie have made it safely to Uncle Larry's Dusty Mile Camp. Uncle Larry wants his new camp members to start a garden in an effort to reestablish a food supply, but Caroline can kill a plant by looking at it. Robbie decides Caroline's just not properly motivated. Some plowing of a different kind might be just the thing to get this project growing!