On an unknown planet far, far away, a colony of demons is exiled in the hopes of eradicating their existence. Decade after decade, the demons of Pariah lose hope of ever making it, for without mates they would surely die. When humans begin crash landing, it isn't long before they discover they are compatible mates. Sinner is content in watching his people thrive in their good fortune until one with hair the color of fire lands. His mate, he can feel it. In an arena that looks more like a Roman coliseum, Amanda Raider finds herself tied to an alter with a dozens of demons fighting around her. When she is carted off to a cave, she fights her captor at every turn for the right to go home. Sinner's heart is broken when he makes a decision that will change them forever, and he just hopes she will forgive him in the end. When the Angels come to finish them off, Sinner fears he will never get the chance to make it up to the one person who was made just for him. Note: This book contains forced seduction.