A woman with nothing to lose...Held captive by a ruthless man, her mysterious powers exploited, Analia makes a daring escape and finds herself aboard a craft led by a fearsome demon captain, Sebastian. His ragtag crew welcomes her easy enough, but Sebastian needs convincing. If she is to maintain her freedom, she must gain his trust while concealing her true nature. A demon with everything to gain...Sebastian has only one goal: keep his family and crew safe while they fly across space to deliver a curious parcel to the ruthless pirate, Ethanule. But when a bewitching creature appears on his ship, he finds it impossible to focus on the job...and to keep his hands off her. Could she be his long awaited mate? An undeniable desire... As they traverse the dangers of open space, he knows she's hiding something from him...what he doesn't know is her secrets endanger them all.