Darragh & Isla Logan & Sarah
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Four men, best friends, decide to place a wager amongst themselves, at their friends wedding, on who could stay single, atleast until they're. Everyone had to put up something they would hate to loose. So they make their toast and drink their drink determined to be the last, single, man standing. Here is the stories of two of the friends and of their downfall.

Darragh & Isla

Darragh Grant is minding his own business while leaving work when he is attacked, grabbed from behind. As he turns around to confront the villain he is stopped in his tracks by the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and she is holding the umbrella that attacking him. All he knows in that moment is that she is the person that is meant to be his, well that and his butt is now hanging out of his pants.

Isla Abbott is sure she is about to die right here on the street, from embarrassment. At the end of her first day of work she assaults the sexies man has ever laid eyes on, with her umbrella. And then he starts flirting with her and her brother shows up and ruins it all, kill me now. Showing up at work the next morning she comes face to face with the man she assaulted and just knew she was going to get fired on her second day, but instead get moved to his office as his secretary.

Darragh is determined to have her at all cost, never mind the wager with his friends. As far as he is concerned they can have it, all he wants is Isla by his side for the rest of his life. Now all he has to do is convince her.

Logan & Sarah

Logan King has wanted Sarah since she started working for Darragh, but everytime he gets around her she turns into a little porcupine. And now she is dating Isla's brother and its all he can do to not punch him in the face everytime he see's them together. But then they get stuck in the elevator and it he finds out that Sarah isn't as indifferent as she seems.

Sarah Maitland is in love with Logan King, but she is tired of being his go-to girl when he needs a date for some benefit or charity ball. So she decides to stop being there for him, to have a life for herself. He doesn't like it when she starts seeing someone, all of a sudden he has a lot of work that only she can do, especially if he knows she has plans. And when they get stuck in the elevator he finds out that her indifference is just an act.

Now their together and things are going great until a misunderstanding splits them apart. Its going to take everything he has to win her back and even that may not be enough to mend her broken heart.

Enjoy reading about Darragh, Logan and the women that tamed them.. But we all know it's never easy as that... So if you're needing hot, over the top alpha men, inst-love and all the panty melting goodness you could want, this is the book for you..

Book two of the Wager series, Max & Lucy, is live as well.

Book three, Rath & Rhona out for pre-order. It will be released February 21, 2017


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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2016
    • Keely Tate
    • eBook
    • Dec-2016
    • smashwords inc
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Jan-2017
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1370510748
    • ISBN13: 9781370510740

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