They wanted to destroy our chances at winning the greatest–and most dangerous–kitchen witch cooking contest in the world. Too bad for them, we're going all in. The Iron Cauldron. The most elite cooking competition in the Kitchen Witch world. Somehow, Gavin and I have been railroaded by our Cupcakes and Curses 101 professor into entering. They wanted to destroy our reputations by cursing us. Gavin and I parade our cursed selves around and make it an advertisement for our team. They wanted to kick us out of the Academy's test kitchen so their cheating teams could win.We found the greatest, most insane–and dangerous–Test Kitchen in the world. Want to split us apart? We're the greatest team you'll ever face. He is my partner, my best friend, and more trouble than you can handle. Trust me. Curse us, blow up our cakes and desserts, cast every magic spell against us if you can. When the smoke clears and the magic dust settles, we'll come for you on the Iron Cauldron arena floor, magic spells and kitchen witchery ready.Are you ready for a food competition like you've never seen before? Bring it on.