Coffee, Tea or Lea?

When independent and fun-loving flight attendant Lea Harding meets Coop Masterson, tight-ass air marshal and superhero savior, her first instinct is to run like the wind. But Coop has a relaxed, sensual side that captivates her, and soon what she wants is his tight ass in her bed. Never quite able to live up to his own expectations, Coop is enraptured with Lea, inside and out. He falls in love with her past and craves a shared future, but she won't accept help from anyone. Let alone him. A scorching weekend of surf-n-sex arouses Lea's long dormant emotions and has her questioning what true freedom means. The intensity of Coop's lovemaking and the weight of his desires speak to a vulnerable spot in her soul she'd rather deny. So she sets a timeline for a "hot sex only" relationship. Coop has failed himself over and over and senses in Lea his long-awaited mate. Winning her reluctant heart and making her body throb for him becomes a race against the clock in the most urgently passionate fight of his life.

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    • Nov-2009
    • Ellora's Cave
    • eBook (Kindle)

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