Carlotta, Lady Denny, is a wealthy widow of thirty-four with a seventeen year old daughter. Lavinia attracts two suitors, Lord Somerton, who is a widower of thirty-six, and Oswyn Waterston, a wealthy lawyer of twenty-six. In fact, they both want Carlotta. She meets with them privately and makes love with each, before deciding that she wants them both. Wyn proves inventive and mischievous, enhancing Piers, Moore, Marquis of Somerton, and Carlotta's love life. They fall in love. Both want to marry Carlotta, but unable to decide between them, she rejects them. When her daughter creates trouble, Carlotta needs her lovers' help, and is forced to make a decision to marry one of them. But she is unhappy without both her lovers. The situation seems insoluble, and they don't have long to find an answer before they must part forever.