Blue Moon
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Magda liked to think she was a reasonably stable person who didn't often go around licking strangers' balls, but today was really testing her theory." When a crazed wolf hurls himself at her car, Magda's more worried about the paintwork than her own safety - after all, she's a werewolf herself - until she realizes that the wolf in question is a loup-garou, totally mindless in the face of the full moon, bent on destruction and death. But when the moon goes down her loup-garou is a beautiful man with a gentle soul: just the thing for Magda, who's already been bruised and beaten by love, left with three children and a thirst for independence. Yet how can she trust that at the next moon, he won't escape his bonds and slaughter her family? Blue Moon: You never know when you might run over Mr. Tall, Dark, & Psychotic.

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